Thailand beach swing

What travel plans will the new year bring for you?

I love the New Year – it’s a time to think about the year ahead and make lots of exciting travel plans! There are quite a few places I’d love to go back to this year. A trip to Thailand is definitely on the cards and it would be great to go to a festival next summer. There are also a few new places I’d like to visit including in Asia and South America.

The New Year is a great time to get inspired to start thinking about travel plans. Most people start planning their summer holidays around this time. It definitely gives you something to look forward to during these colder months. But how easy is it to fulfill your New Year’s travel resolutions?

Here are a few simple ways:

1. Plan ahead

This is crucial to achieving your travel goals. Of course, sometimes the odd spur of the moment trip can be great, but if you want to make absolutely sure that nothing comes in the way of your and your trip the planning is key.

2. Think about your destination

Choose a destination that you have always wanted to visit but have never had the time or money. If money is an issue then the year ahead can be a time where you commit to saving up as much as you can. There are so many resources online including my travel blog and destination guides to help you find any information you need.

3. Commit yourself to a date

When do you want to travel? Do you want to go somewhere hot and sunny or cold and crisp? Committing to a time period can make your trip seem more real and give you something to look forward to. It also gives you time to sort things out with work or university commitments if necessary.

4. Do your research

Research is an important part of the planning process. Not only does it get you excited about your trip but it means you will be fully prepared for your visit. Get friends and family involved and let them know about your trip. It will give you the motivation to see things through!

Unless you are a committed traveller, it can be difficult to find the time to get away and see the world, especially if there are work, financial or family commitments holding you back. It’s all too easy to get distracted and forget what you really want to get out of life. So, start planning for the year ahead NOW!

What destinations are you hoping to travel next year? Also if you are looking for somewhere epic to see this year end, view my list of the best NYE destinations.