Kaputas beach, Turkey

With rising sea levels, melting polar ice caps, and extreme weather events, minimising our impact on the environment has never been more important.

With this in mind, I have put together a list of green travel tips to help you be more eco-conscious while on the road.

You can be the greenest eco-warrior of them all, recycling fast food straw wrappers, and still not make the best decisions while travelling. I mean, I totally understand, it is holiday after all.

But if you’re looking to take your love for the environment to the next level, check out my tips for making the best impact (and savings) out of every step you take.

1. Market Fresh Goods

Stop by the local market on your travels and you won’t only feel like you’ve stumbled into the pages of a National Geographic photo spread but it’ll also take off years of your carbon footprint. How can that be?

Every time you buy from a local farmer and support a local community instead of the Big Guy, with the fancy name and brightly lit stores, you’re helping ensure the places you visit can sustain themselves. And that just feels better!

Plus, and I have this on good authority (my tastebuds), it’s a delicious way to help the environment. Shop around for the day, cook a couple of your own meals, and you’ll save a little money as well!

2. Reduce Plastic Use

Have a ‘bag for life’ all for your purchases that tucks away into your backpack until called upon. What a perfect way to keep from taking (or purchasing) a plastic bag for your goodies whilst shopping!

The same thing applies for your water habit—switch from a plastic bottle (horrible for environment, horrible for you) to something like a reusable bottle like the Vapur Eclipse. Not only do you get the ‘BPA-free’ experience, but it’ll also take up less space in your carry on — which, to me, can never be a bad thing.

You could also carry your own straw with you, to avoid using plastic straws which are terrible for the environment.

3. Take Ground

Research proves just how much energy an airplane uses to get passengers from A to B, and while I won’t deny that in some cases a plane is absolutely necessary, I do suggest that whenever possible, trains, cars, and even buses make a great alternative – you’ll heighten your experience by getting to see beautiful countryside vistas, plus, you’ll also save money (if you book well in advance!).

4. Skipping Tourist Junk Shops

If you buy something marked ‘Made in China’ anywhere other than in China, we’re not helping anyone except big corporations and sweatshop owners. And nobody is helping the little guy making those shot glasses in the factory for 6 days per week and 13 hours per day!

Okay, okay, it’s true that creates a harsh perspective! But, when you compare the purchase of silly tourist t-shirt and its impact on the world, versus grabbing a locally handmade art or craft item, it’s obvious why one is infinitely better than the other.

Not only are you supporting local crafters, but you’re providing them with a living wage, helping to boost the cultural diversity, and ultimately preserving traditions for hundreds, or even, thousands of years to come. I think we can all agree that’s a whole lot better than just a trinket purchase!

Another thing I add to the chopping block: cheap (aka black market) electronics. If it’s got an iCloud lock on it, it’s definitely not from the Apple Store, and the way it came to that tiny stall is probably too jumbled – and far too sad – a story to tell.

5. Try Local

Hopefully you’re going for the local experience every time, but I feel eager to drive the point home with a further reminder!

As well as giving you a more authentic understanding of your destination, choosing local experiences also helps bypass the tourism and hospitality trades which, let’s face it, aren’t the most environmentally conscious in the world.

While green travel does seem to be on the rise, I suggest taking a break from the beaten path as often as you possibly can to maintain your eco-credentials.

Grab a snack from a shack on the road side, visit a village off the map, talk to a local using a myriad of sign language — these are the kind of experiences that will change the way you travel, as well as your world view.

And such memories will last infinitely longer than any photo in front of the Pyramids.

6. Environmentally Friendly Products

Research online for products which are less harmful for the environment. For example, suncream, use an organic or natural product like aloe vera rather than one that contains chemicals which has a detrimental effect on corals and the oceans, for example.

7. Do a Workstay

There’s nothing quite like working for your supper… or your bed! When it comes to travel, workstays are not only environmentally conscious, but they also can extend the life of your trips and get you closer to those unique experiences you’re chasing after.

Many companies offer volunteer programs ranging from shark conservation to medical assistance, and you can get the warm fuzzy feelings from being a helpful, active member of the world AND great holiday photos. To me, that’s absolutely a win win situation.

Whether you aspire to be a smarter traveller or you wish to refresh your green tactics, take to heart my tricks and tips for putting a little more green into each step. You’ll be delighted when the places you love are preserved for generations of travellers to come.

Bon voyage ‘vert’!